We all receive many e-newsletters, but one caught my eye, The Future 100 – Trends and Changes to Watch in 2024, by VML Intelligence. I love future trends, which engage me and help me think about the world and what could be in store, or not at all!
The 250-page report covers eight major sectors, including travel, food, tech, retail, brands, luxury, culture, and beauty (products), which are interrelated and applicable to those working to attract visitors.
For travel, the key trends include transcendent travel, immersive theme parks and experiences, forage tourism, travel, and analog travel. Additionally, it cites the rising effort to get people off the grid and truly “be there now” to enjoy and benefit from nature.
Experts in each of the eight sectors reflected on two questions. First, "What is one thing you are looking forward to in 2024?” For travel, Tom Merchant of Black Tomato noted the “pursuit of finding silence.”
Travel offers the antidote and opportunity to escape our noisy world, to find the quiet and calm, both inwardly and environmentally. The second question on the single biggest change over the past ten years, he offered it has been the “evolution in the recognition that creating sustainable and regenerative travel experiences is crucially important, not only for clients but also for communities around the world.”
Clearly, these two overarching trends are connected, as travel offers the serenity we all need in natural and sustainable environments for both the present and future. This report is impressive in its scope and contains intriguing and informative nuggets useful to spurring
our imaginations, being proactive, looking ahead, and better understanding what travelers seek going forward. It’s worth a read and further discussion!
VML is a global creative company offering integrated online and offline advertising, business consulting and software application services. The VML annual trends has been conducted for the past ten years, based on a survey conducted in fall 2023 among 9,000 respondents from nine countries. VML report aims to inspire brands and individuals by connecting with cultural trends and consumer expectations for an innovative future. Source: https://www.vml.com/insight/the-future-100-2024